There is just something about buying a brand new home in Provo, Utah.
It’s fresh and clean, there isn’t any old furniture or carpeting.
There is nothing like a new house. Do you want to buy a new home?
Are you are ready to own your dream home or condo in Provo? Buy
a new home with Team Teasdale Realty. Here are some tips that can
help make buying your new home in Provo, Utah a positive experience.

Hire a Realtor to represent you in Provo, Utah
Your own buyer’s agent will represent you and will have your best
interests in mind. Your hired Realtor will tell you everything you need
to know about the home and purchase. The builder’s or seller’s agent on
the other hand, is not required to tell you about the drawbacks or the
disadvantages regarding a home or condo that you intend to buy in Provo
Utah. Be sure to understand who represents you in a real estate
If you intend to sell your old home as a contingency to buying the
new one in Provo, UT, you should think about getting your own seller’s
agent. Consider hiring Paul Teasdale to help you
find a home in Provo Utah.
Do you want to buy a new home in Provo?
Builder’s Reputation
The reputation of the builder in Provo, Utah is important. Find
out about the experiences of other buyers with the builder. If you
hear something positive about the builder verify this from other
previous buyers. Consider asking neighbors that have built with this
builder on the same street. It is a nice way to get to meet the
neighbors. This will take some time but it is worth your efforts.
Do the same thing when you hear something negative. Sometimes,
negative experiences might be isolated cases so don’t judge or choose
your builder based only on a few opinions. Are the homes getting
bigger? Are they all of the same design and construction? Find out
as much as you can about the builder and you will have a better
experience in buying your brand new home.
Be sure to put everything in writing when building a home. And
I mean everything. When I write an offer on new construction I spell out
the details in the contract. Verbal promises can be forgotten when the
house is almost complete. Your final purchase contract typically has
several addendums when you buy a new home.
Hire a Home Inspector
This is something you should seriously consider before you buy a new
home in Provo Utah. Have your prospective home inspected by a
licensed home inspector. Even new homes in Provo can have defects
so listen to what the inspector has to say and ask him questions you
have about the house. A home inspector is worth the money even on a new
home. Your home inspector will typically send you a lengthy report via
email on all the items he has inspected The report will typically have
several photos and a list of items to repair.
You can start hiring your Realtor right now. Call Paul Teasdale if
you are planning to buy a new home in Provo, Utah. Paul has been selling
homes since 1995.
Buy a New Home in Orem Utah